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5 Common Gutter Issues and How To Fix Them


There’s a good chance you don’t think about the health of your gutters every day. You don’t even think about them, if you’re like most people! That is, unless something goes wrong. Why are gutters so important, and why should you pay attention to them?

Water is channeled away from your home’s foundation by gutters. As the foundation of your home holds everything up, it’s crucial to keep it in good shape. Keeping your gutters in good condition will keep water away from your foundation. That’s a pretty good reason to keep them in good condition.

Clogged Gutter

Maintain your gutters to prevent damage

You don’t need to worry. You don’t have to work hard to keep your gutters clean and free of debris. To spot problems, you don’t have to watch them every day. Regular maintenance is all it takes. That means not just letting them sit for months on end. Maintaining your gutters regularly will ensure that they last for many years.

1. Clogged or non-draining gutters

Clogging is the most common gutter problem. Rainwater can overflow gutters when clogged gutters can’t drain properly. Water that cannot pass through can cause problems with your foundation if it cannot pass through properly. This is why keeping your gutters clean is so important. You want the water to flow easily.

Keep them clean twice a year by maintaining them. The best time to get rid of them is usually in late fall after most of the leaves have fallen, and in spring (in March or April) so they’re clear for April showers. It’s also possible to install gutter covers if you’re dealing with a lot of debris. However, these can be quite expensive, and maintenance is still required.

Clogged and Dirty Gutter

2. Sagging Gutters

The problem of overflowing water isn’t the only one you’ll face if you allow your gutters to become clogged with leaves, twigs, and standing water. It is also possible for gutters to sag due to the weight of this debris. Usually, this is caused by loose hangers (the hardware that secures the gutters to the house), which pull out when they can’t support the extra weight. The hangers could also be too far apart, which can also be fixed by tightening the screws again. You’ll need to install new ones, ensuring that they’re close enough together.

3. Leaks and Holes

Your gutters may have sprung a leak if you notice a stream of water pouring down from the middle of them. Leaks and holes can happen pretty easily and are usually fairly easy to fix. To repair leaky seams, use gutter sealant to caulk the seams, while larger holes will need to be patched. The kits can be found at most hardware stores, and they are easy to use. When patching a hole, make sure you use the same material as the gutter to patch it. Using a different material can cause erosion.

4. Damaged Gutters

Other ways can also cause gutter damage. Weather is the main culprit. During a heavy rainstorm or windstorm, gutters can be damaged or knocked down. You may be able to fix them by rehanging them, or you may need to replace certain sections. 

Apart from making sure your gutters are properly installed and aren’t already loose, there’s not much you can do to prevent it.

Leaking Gutter

5. Gutters that are improperly pitched

It is essential that gutters be angled (pitched) correctly in order to allow water to flow properly. For every 10 feet of gutter, the slope should be at least a quarter inch. It’s easy to tell if your gutters are pitched incorrectly. If you see standing water after a rainstorm, you’ll likely need to adjust the pitch. It is sometimes as easy as bending it into place, but sometimes you have to completely reinstall the hangers.